Saturday, 2 July 2011

Is There Such a Thing As a FREE Download?

There is no such thing as a free download! Even though it's true to say that a fan can download a song for free or in exchange for supplying their email address. In such cases the Artist or Label meet the cost. So how much does it cost to produce a song?

Stacey Young - singing live
 The first major problem is that no two songs are the same. A price for one created in a few minutes, will be different to another that takes a few months. Another factor than can seriously extend time and therefore cost, are the musicians and the rehearsal time they may require, before you get the sound that you're looking for. There are so many variables to consider before you can even attempt to put a price on a song. But we'll try our best.

Let's assume that a simple three and a half minute song is written, sheet music is available for the experienced session musicians and now its time to take over a studio and record. All vocals will be completed free of charge by the writer.

An estimate for a simple arrangement with a well-rehearsed group would be about six hours per song. This is loosely calculated at 1.5 hours per finished minute of music. Some people will say less and others more. There is simply no strict calculation you can use, but for our purpose it's about right.
The money side will roughly equate to £25 per hour for the studio over 6 hours, which is £150. Four session musicians at £100 each, adds another £400 and our sub total so far is £550.

After this, the tracks have to be mixed and this largely depends on the Producers or Sound Engineers and how they work. Time again is another factor that is as long as it is tall. It takes however long it takes to get it right. But more time spent in mixing usually means a better quality finish. A very vital part of the creative process to achieve the best sound is to take plenty of breaks for the eyes and ears to rest. Some will mix over two days to give themselves a clear break and come back refreshed to finish it off the following day.
Mastering for one song could take up to two hours, probably less per song when mixing an album.
So we will run with a very low price of £100 per day, as our Writer knows the Producer very well. This adds another £200, making a total of £750 from start to finish with quite a few shortcuts and favours.
As can be seen, to produce a song ready for a decent commercial level is an expensive undertaking. Which leads to the question. Why should there be free downloads at all if it costs this much money to produce? Hmm, Good Question!

'Free downloads' cost us and our Artists money to produce and record. Please help support our musicians by buying your favourite music from our website. ~ Thank you for your kind assistance.

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